10 Easy Ways to Save for a House

Hoping to move out of your rental (or your parent’s) but not sure how to save for a house? While pinching pennies isn’t easy, it can be done with the help of the right tools and strategies. From automating your savings to starting a side hustle, here are 10 simple ways you can begin saving for a house today.

How to Save for a House

Open a savings account

Automate your savings

Cut back on “little” luxuries

Create a budget

Save your tax return or year-end bonus

Freeze (or end) your gym membership

Take on additional jobs

Track your spending and expenses through Mint

Find a roommate

Pay off credit cards to get out of debt

More quick tips for how to save for a house

  • Ask for a raise
  • Instead of buying books, apply for a library card
  • Use coupons
  • Take advantage of discounts and deals at local restaurants
  • Work on improving your credit score
  • Use money saving mobile apps
  • Have a friend of family member keep you accountable

Ready to buy a house?

You’ve saved up for a house and are ready to make a purchase. Congrats! Once you’ve closed on the house of your dreams, start looking for movers using Moving.com’s extensive network of reputable and reliable moving companies. All movers in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!