10 Hip Suburbs to Move to This Year

There are plenty of reasons why people move out of the city and into the ‘burbs. For some, it’s a new addition to the family and a need for more space. For others, it’s a desire for a lower cost of living and a safer place to live. Many suburbs also happen to have better schools and more family-friendly environments. Of course, it’s not always easy to give up the exciting city life. After all, big cities often come with a number of perks, including exceptional dining, high-end shopping, world-class museums and other cultural attractions. Fortunately, there are a number of suburbs in America that are just as hip as the cities they surround. If you’re thinking of moving to the ‘burbs but aren’t quite ready for the cookie-cutter life, we recommend considering one of these 10 cool suburbs listed below.

10 Cool Suburbs to Move to this Year

Alexandria, VA

Arlington, MA

Coral Gables, FL

Decatur, GA

Evanston, IL

Hoboken, NJ

Long Beach, CA

Richardson, TX

Salem, MA

Montclair, NJ

Ready to move?

To learn more about these cities, check out Moving.com’s City Profile Report feature. Our reports include city demographics, real estate details, residential information and more. Simply enter the zip code or the state and city of your potential move and get a free report at the click of a button. And if you think you want to make one of these cities your new home, you’re going to need to hire professionals to handle the relocation. After all, moving from the city to the ‘burbs can be a complicated process. To find a trustworthy moving company, check out Moving.com’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers – all licensed and insured. By choosing a Moving.com mover, you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Good luck and happy moving!