10 Home Improvements to Make Before You Move In

Back when I was still renting in the city, my boyfriend (now husband) bought a townhouse in the suburbs. It was in good condition, and had passed the home inspection without any problems. But sitting in the living room the first day, the moving trucks having just left after unloading all of his things, he noticed a strange smell that had eluded him during the house tour and subsequent visits. It was cat urine; so distinct that the only explanation for why he hadn’t smelled it earlier must have been a very strong pair of rose-scented glasses.

The smell itself was coming from the carpets, which stretched wall to wall in the living room, office, and bedrooms. He quickly realized he’d have to replace all of it, a task made no easier by the fact that the house was now full of boxes and furniture. The carpet did get replaced the next week, but the labor costs were significantly higher since each room had to be completely cleared out before new flooring could be installed.

Most homebuyers have a list of things they’d like to change about their new properties. And while a lot of it can be pushed off until after recovering from the move and its associated costs, some improvements are much easier-and cheaper-to get done prior to moving day. Here are ten of them.


Interior painting

Popcorn ceilings and walls

Closet shelving and organization


Exterior locks

Batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

Heating and cooling filters



Moving is a big task, and it’s often fraught with complications and added expenses. While you can’t prepare for every what-if, you can do your future self a huge favor by taking care of these types of home improvements projects prior to move in. Not only will doing most of these ahead of time save you money, they’ll also save you a ton of time and frustration.