10 Must-Know Tips for Packing to Study Abroad

You’ve been invited to study abroad for a semester or even a full year. So, what do you need to bring, what don’t you need and how do you get it all there?

We’ve compiled these 10 tips to help you prepare for studying abroad.

Bring the right documents

Know the country

Pack the right clothes to study abroad

  • Shirts, pants, dresses, skirts and everyday clothes
  • Underwear, socks and undergarments
  • At least one nice outfit
  • Pajamas and comfy clothes
  • Bathing suit
  • Exercise clothes for working out, hiking and adventures
  • Bathing suit
  • Light jacket

Don’t forget footwear

  • Comfortable shoes for walking
  • Athletic shoes or trail shoes for hiking and outdoor adventures
  • One pair of nice shoes (choose wedges over stilettos)
  • Flip flops for hostel showers or the beach
  • Slippers (or gripper socks) for colder climates

Add toiletries and other necessities

  • Shampoo, conditioner and soap
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
  • Contact lenses, solution and eyewear
  • Deodorant
  • Cosmetics
  • Sunscreen
  • Feminine products
  • Contraceptives

The whole point of studying abroad is to learn, in the classroom and beyond. Pack for both. You’ll want to also bring:

  • Laptop, charger and supplies
  • Mobile device (cell phone) and tablet
  • Pen, pencils and school supplies
  • Camera, if you enjoy photography
  • Journal to record your experiences
  • Paper map, in case you can’t rely on cell service
  • Small backpack for day trips
  • Padlock for hostel lockers