10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Moving to Idaho

Thinking of moving to Idaho? You aren’t alone. The Gem State is quickly becoming one of the most popular states in America. In fact, according to the 2020 Census, Idaho is the second fastest growing state in the country, with a population growth of 17.32 percent since 2010. What makes the state so attractive? A low cost of living, lots of jobs and plenty of wide-open spaces are just a few reasons why newcomers are making Idaho their home. The Gem State’s natural beauty and stunning wildlife also make it one of the most beautiful places in the world to live. Need more convincing? Here are 10 reasons why you should consider moving to Idaho.

The economy is booming

The cost of living is well below the national average

It’s a tax-friendly state

You won’t find prettier surroundings

There’s plenty to do outdoors

It’s an extremely safe place to live

You’ll enjoy shorter commute times to work

The residents are friendly

It’s environmentally friendly

The food and drink are delectable

Moving to Idaho?

Think you want to make Idaho your new home? For more information about cities within the Gem State, check our City Profile Report feature. Reports include city demographics, real estate information, quality of life factors and more. Simply enter the zip code or the state and city of your potential move to get a free report at the click of a button. For help finding and booking the best moving company, check our extensive network of reputable and reliable interstate movers. Best of luck and happy moving!