10 Simple Ways to Use Less Energy in Your Home

Of all the goals you can make to better your life and save a bit of money, actively trying to use less energy in your home is a pretty decent one to take on. Modern homes are full of products that require a lot of energy to function. Electricity use in U.S. homes was 13 times greater in 2023 than it was in 1950, for reasons that aren’t too hard to deduce. Our homes are running smarter than ever, but they’re not always running in the most efficient way possible. And while it’s not realistic (or even warranted) that you completely slash your home’s energy usage, taking steps to use less energy is a noble and productive way to make the world just a little bit better.

Why use less energy?

Unlike water or coal, energy isn’t a finite resource. That being said, there’s still a strong connection between energy and the environment. The production of energy requires the use of power plants, and power plants release toxic fumes into the air. Though the Clean Air Act regulates emissions of pollutants from power plants, it’s impossible to completely erase their impact. When you use less energy, you help conserve resources otherwise burned for that energy consumption in a plant. Using less energy also saves you money. Something as small as turning off lights in rooms you’re not currently using can save you more than $270 a year.

Taking care to use less energy in your home is good for the planet, good for your wallet, and easy to do. Here are 10 easy ways to get started.