10 Tips for Healthy Eating While Moving

Healthy eating while moving is a task easier said than done. When you’ve got so much on your figurative plate, it can be extremely difficult to pay much attention to your literal plate and make sure you’re eating the right things for your body. But moving requires energy, so eating healthy isn’t just important for maintaining your diet goals—it’s important for maintaining your strength. Getting the nourishment that you need will keep you going and help reduce stress and fatigue. And unfortunately, you’re not going to get it if you’re just eating corner store snacks and Chinese takeout.

As with all things food related, don’t think of healthy eating while moving as good versus bad. It’s about balance, and making sure that you’re providing yourself with the proper amount of fuel. Here are 10 tips to help you eat right and stay on track during your move.

Make a plan

Focus on what you already have

Set a schedule for your meals

Eat a well-rounded breakfast

Get smart about snacks

Leave out a few key items in the kitchen

Ask for help

If you’re moving close, stock up on things that travel well

Find a balance

Don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Eating well during your move isn’t impossible; it just takes a little bit of thought. Follow the tips above and you should have no problem getting through your move without getting off track.