11 Things to Help De-Stress During the Moving Process

Moving can be really stressful. From finding the right movers to packing up all of your stuff to saying goodbye to your family and friends, there’s a lot going on, that in some instances, can happen over a very short period of time. And since you need to focus on making sure that your move goes through without a hitch, the last thing you need is to be riddled with anxiety and stress. To help you out, we’re sharing 11 things that you can do to chill out during the moving process. And yes, these tactics can even be done during the most hectic of moving experiences.

Practice yoga




Go to a movie

Ask for help

Get some sleep

Eat healthy

Make lists

Go to a local park

Enjoy a treat

We hope these tips will help you balance all of your moving responsibilities with some fun and simple stress busting activities.