12 Tips for Getting to Know Your Neighbors

Unless you’re an extrovert, meeting your new neighbors can be intimidating. After all, you don’t want to say the wrong thing or make a bad first impression. But getting to know the people who live in your new neighborhood doesn’t have to be a panic attack-inducing ordeal. It can be as simple as a wave and as much fun as a block party. Here are 12 tips for getting to know your neighbors after a move.

Wave and smile

Knock on the door

Bring goodies next door

Ask for advice

Offer help

Take a walk

Go outside

Head to the bus stop

Let your dog make friends for you

Attend neighborhood meetings

Host a housewarming party

Invite them over for dinner

Getting to know your new neighbors isn’t something that happens immediately. It takes time to build relationships. However, if you make the effort, you’ll reap the rewards in no time.