12 Tips for Moving During Peak Moving Season

Moving during peak moving season? With the majority of moves in America happening during this time frame, you can bet there will be plenty of moving trucks on the road and new neighbors moving in. If you decide to move to a new home during peak moving season, here’s what you need to know.

When is peak moving season?

Summer is peak moving season in most parts of the country. In fact, nearly 70 percent of all moves in the U.S. take place sometime between Memorial Day to Labor Day. Since this May to September window happens to be when movers are most in demand, it’s important that those moving book their moving professionals or truck rentals as soon as possible. In many cases, top-notch movers are booked out several months in advance. If you wait until the last minute to book movers, you may be left with undesirable options and a limited number of moving dates.

Why is summertime the peak moving season?

Summer is peak moving season for a number of reasons.

  • Families with school-age children often prefer to move in the summertime, when school is not in session. Moving during the academic year can interrupt a child’s learning as well as their reliable schedule and important after school activities.
  • Moving during the winter months is tough – especially when snow, ice and blizzards come into play. For northern residents, weather conditions during the summer are more predictable and ideal for moving. Most people would rather deal with a hot and humid move than a dangerously icy relocation.
  • In many cities, rental leases end and begin during the summer months. This causes more turnover and moving among renters in most major cities.
  • Those who live in college towns can expect to see plenty of moves at the beginning and end of the summer – marking the ending and beginning of the academic school year.
  • Come springtime, you’ll notice an abundance of For Sale signs popping up around the neighborhood. In most areas of the country, home selling hits its peak in the spring and early summer months. This means more Americans moving during the summer.