13 Tips for Budget Grocery Shopping

Americans spend a lot on food. Approximately 10% of an individual’s disposable income goes to food every year (including dining out), working out to about $6,602 per household. That’s a lot of money, especially when other costs in the country like rent and healthcare are continuing to rise. Whether you’re interested in budget grocery shopping because you took a hit on income, you’re still reeling from moving costs, or you just want to save some money, there are definitely tricks of the trade that can help. Below, we’ll share our 13 best tips for grocery shopping on a budget so that you can stretch every dollar as far as it will go.

Set an Actual Budget

Make a List

Don’t Go to the Store Hungry

Shop Less Often

Don’t Be Fooled By Sales

Bring a Calculator

Join Your Store’s Loyalty Program

Comparison Shop

Go Meatless (at Least Some of the Time)

Round Up When You’re Shopping

Use Cash

Grow What You Can

Buy Generic

Grocery shopping on a budget doesn’t have to mean sacrificing on what you buy. Try the tips above the next time you head down the grocery aisle and with some pre-planning and a bit of self control, you should be able to lower your costs while still getting the stuff that you need.