15 To-Dos When Moving Your Business to a New Location

Moving your business to a new location? Whether it’s a small, home-based business without employees or a large business with numerous employees, relocating to a new office space is never without a few headaches or complications. However, with the right checklist, you can help streamline the process to ensure a smooth and worthwhile move. Here are 15 to-dos to keep in mind when moving your business to a new location.

Find a new office location

Consider location and ease for employees

Assess your leasing options

Figure out your moving budget

Inform employees and give them a heads-up

Coordinate a plan for moving all technical equipment

Hire a reputable moving company

Figure out storage needs

Order new signage and any necessary furniture or equipment

Give clients or customers a heads-up about the move

Order new letterhead, brochures and business cards

Update your company website and email signatures

Let customers and clients know you have moved

Notify the IRS about your change of address

Update your business insurance policy

Ready to move?

After perusing potential office spaces, you’ve finally decided on a place for your business. Congrats! Now it’s time to start planning that move. Fortunately, our extensive network of reputable and reliable movers makes it easy to book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!