5 Tips for Moving with Your Own Car

Want to save money on a move? One surefire way to do so is by moving with your own car. This method of moving eliminates the cost of a truck rental or professional moving company – both of which are not particularly cheap. Renting a 10 to 12 ft. moving truck for a long distance move can cost around $1,000. Hiring full service interstate movers can cost upwards of $4,000 or more. By using your own car to move, you’ll be cutting down on rental fees, insurance costs and plenty of other moving expenses.

Of course, moving with a personal vehicle isn’t the right choice for everyone. Those moving large households will likely need a larger van or truck to haul belongings. For this reason, we only recommend using your own car when moving a small household. Below, we’ve rounded up five tips for moving with your own car as well as a few important considerations to make when using a personal vehicle for a move.

5 Tips for Moving with Your Own Car

  1. Use necessary equipment
    Unless you want belongings shifting around in your car, we recommend investing in a few tried and true pieces of equipment. For starters, rope, bungee cords or straps can be used as tie-downs to hold items in place inside the car. Other moving equipment that will come in handy when moving with your car includes plastics bins and bags as well as an overhead carrier, which can be used to fit more items on top of the car.
  2. Place heavy items on the bottom
    When loading the car up for a move, be sure to place heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. Heavier items may include furniture pieces, books and large rolled up rugs. Lighter items might include clothing, towels and bedding. Packing your car with heavy items on the bottom and lighter items on top will prevent anything from breaking and make the loading/unloading process easier as well.
  3. Refill the gas before the trip
    Searching for a gas station while towing a carload of belongings isn’t a fun or efficient way to kick off a move. So prior to hitting the road, be sure to fill your car up with gas. We recommend filling it up the night before you pack the car. Starting the move off with a full tank of gas will help the day go a lot more smoothly.
  4. Maximize the space inside your car
    Lay down seats and flatten the interior to maximize the space inside your car. If you can, try to avoid packing belongings inside cardboard boxes as well. These bulky boxes take up room inside the car that could otherwise be used to fit more household belongings. Instead, opt for plastic baggies, vacuum storage bags or nothing at all. Another way to maximize the space inside your car is to disassemble all furniture items prior to loading them in your car. From tables and chairs to beds and desks, you’ll be able to fit a lot more furniture inside the car by taking each piece apart and laying it flat in the car.
  5. Don’t obstruct your view
    As tempting as it may be to fill your car to the brim with belongings, it’s important to keep your field of vision open. Otherwise, you won’t be able to back up, change lanes or drive safely. To avoid obstructing your view with household items, we recommend making several trips back and forth in the car. This will prevent you from overloading the car with belongings and blocking your view of the road.

What to consider when moving with your own car

  • The amount of stuff being moved – How much stuff are you moving? As mentioned earlier, if you plan to move a three to four-bedroom household or larger, we recommend renting a moving truck. Those moving smaller studios or one to two-bedroom households may be able to handle the move using their own car. Keep in mind that the more stuff you have to move, the more trips back and forth you’ll need to make. If moving long distance, this could be extremely inconvenient. However, if the move is local, this might not be an issue.
  • Gas prices and distance – How far are you moving and how many gas stops will it require? Be sure to assess the distance and price of gas before setting out in your own vehicle. Not only will this help you budget for the trip, but it will also give you an estimate for how long the move will take.
  • The condition of your car – Make sure to have your car checked out and serviced by a professional before hitting the road. A service professional should check your car’s tire pressure, inspect fluid levels and perform other basic car maintenance services. This will help ensure a safe and smooth move.
  • Lifting assistance – Who’s going to help you with the heavy lifting? Unlike truck rentals, personal vehicles don’t typically come outfitted with ramps for loading and unloading of items. That means you’ll be doing a lot of lifting when moving with your own car. We recommend enlisting a strong friend or family member to help out with the loading and unloading process. Otherwise, you could end up dropping and breaking belongings – not to mention, hurting yourself in the process.
  • Packing the interior – Don’t just willy-nilly throw belongings in the car. Make sure you have a plan for packing the car in the most efficient way possible. When devising your packing plan, keep in mind that the weight of your belongings should be distributed evenly.

Ready to move?

If you’re moving a large household, your car might not be able to handle all of your belongings. To find a reliable moving company, check Moving.com’s extensive network of movers. Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. For more information on portable moving containers, check here. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands.