6 Household Problems to Fix Before You Move In

So you found a home, started packing and are almost ready to move. Congrats! Before you load up that moving truck though, consider what it is you’re actually moving into. Whether the home is older or newer, chances are good that you’ll inherit a few quirks and issues. Most problems should be pointed out during the home’s inspection prior to the closing. After reviewing the issues, you may be wondering which home problems to fix before moving in and which to wait on? After all, some issues are worse than others. Problems such as damaged window treatments and broken light fixtures can probably wait to be addressed until after you move in. However, other issues are best remedied before moving a truck-load of furniture and belongings inside. Below, we’ve included six common household problems that need to be fixed before moving into a new home.

Pest problems

Drafty windows

Cigarette smoke smell

Faulty appliances

Structural problems

Cosmetic issues

Moving soon?

Besides a good handyman, you may need professional movers to assist with your move. Fortunately, we can help. To find the best moving company to handle your relocation, check Moving.com’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. For customizable moving checklists, personal tasks list, email reminders and coupons to help you stay organized during a move, we recommend also checking out our move planner tool. Best of luck and happy moving!