6 Methods to Reduce the Stress of Moving With a Senior

Let’s face it: moving is stressful. For most people, it’s about the most stressful home-related chore out there.

Senior movers

But what if you’re a senior or if you need to move your senior parents? Your stress level probably just multiplied.

There are lots of things that seniors need to think about when moving that younger folks don’t. If you’re getting ready for moving with a senior, or if you’re a senior yourself, there are six factors you should think about before you start loading a truck or gassing up your car.

1. Plan Ahead

When you’re moving with a senior, you can’t start planning too soon. Before you start packing, start downsizing. Often times, when seniors are moving someplace new, it’s someplace smaller than where they’ve been.

Donating, selling or flat-out getting rid of unnecessary items will help reduce stress. There’s something to be said for not being held captive by all of your stuff.

2. Get Packing Early

Once you’ve decluttered and know what’s making the move, get started on packing! Getting this project out of the way early will save anxiety in the long run.

Think about how things are packed. Consider wrapping dainty items in colored tissue or pieces of wrapping paper; this helps eliminate confusion about valuables packed among all the mundane stuff you’ve boxed up.

3. Travel Options

Will your senior be able to travel? If you’re going a short distance, this might not be a big deal. However, if you’re going somewhere far away, think about whether they’ll be comfortable driving for long distances or able to fly.

4. Health Care

This is a big one. Getting medical records transferred is always an arduous process, so the sooner you can get the jump on this issue, the better. And if your senior needs a new roster of medical providers once they’re in their new home, it’s best to get them lined up before they’re needed.

If your senior is on traditional Medicare, you probably won’t have to make any changes to their health coverage. But if they’re on an HMO or PPO, you should find out about coverage in their new home state.

5. Legal Documents

Make sure all legal documents are up to date and in order. If new powers of attorney are needed or if living wills need to be drafted, get those executed in advance of the move.

6. Consider a Move Manager

There are wonderful folks out there who specialize in helping seniors prepare for and make moves. Senior moving consultants can facilitate everything, so the pressure on your senior can be removed.

You can find information on services like these at the National Association of Senior Move Managers.