6 Things a Landlord Can Deduct From a Security Deposit

You may forget about that hefty security deposit you paid soon after settling into a new apartment. But when it’s time to move out, it’s nice to know that you’ve got a decent sized check coming your way. At least… you hope. There are various things that a landlord can legally deduct from a security deposit, and it helps to know what they are in advance so that you can act accordingly and (hopefully) ensure that you get a full return.

It’s important to read the fine print carefully any time that you sign the lease on a new apartment. Not only does your lease cover things like the rules of your tenancy and what you can expect from your landlord in terms of privacy, safety, and other major issues, it should also lay out the terms and conditions of what you’ll need to do to get your security deposit back—including how long your landlord has to return it to you.

Of course, most of us don’t take the time to memorize what’s in our lease. And it might not be particularly helpful to refer to after the fact, when you’re getting ready to move and you’re wondering if you might have done something to warrant a security deposit deduction. So as a quick explainer, here are the six things that a landlord can legally deduct from a security deposit, plus some easy tips to help make sure your check back in full.

What can a landlord deduct from a security deposit?

Tenants have rights, which means that your landlord can’t simply decide to keep your security deposit on a whim. They have to have a real reason to withhold all or a portion of your deposit, and that reason must be supported by local rental laws.

While rules and regulations do vary based on where you live, here are six pretty standard things that a landlord can deduct from a security deposit—all of which you’ll want to be aware of if you’re concerned with getting all of your money back (and who isn’t?).

Major property damage

Unreasonable messes

Left behind items

Unpaid rent

Unpaid utilities

Breaking your lease

Tips for getting your security deposit back

So long as you’re a respectful tenant and your landlord is following all local rental laws, you probably won’t have to worry about having things deducted from your security deposit—or losing out on your deposit entirely.

Still, a security deposit is a lot of money, and it’s always a good idea to do what you can to ensure you don’t get docked. Here are some tips for getting your security deposit back in full upon move out.

    • Keep your apartment in good condition. It’s a lot easier to maintain the condition of your apartment than it is to try and make some hurried fixes before you move out. Keep your unit clean, and if there is a need for repairs during your tenancy, let your landlord know right away so that they can take care of them.
    • Provide proper move out notice. Look to your lease for specifics, but assume that you’ll need to provide your landlord with at least 30 days of move out notice prior to vacating your unit, possibly in writing. Here’s how to do it.
    • Document your unit upon move in. As soon as you move in to a new apartment, go around and take pictures of every room. This way, you’ll have a reference point to compare to if your landlord tries to blame you for any damages later on.
    • Document your unit upon move out. We covered this one above, but it’s worth a repeat. After you’ve cleared out all of your stuff and your unit is completely empty, take pictures again for proof of the state that you left the apartment in. Again, this could come in handy later on if your landlord claims that there was damage or a costly mess.
    • Do a move out walk-through. You likely did a walk-through with your landlord on move in day, but it’s just as important to do it on the day that you move out. This will give you both an opportunity to point out any potential issues, as well as for you to get verbal confirmation that all looks good. Because written confirmation is even better though, have your landlord sign off on a piece of paper that all rooms are good to go.

    All things considered, there actually isn’t too much that a landlord can deduct from a security deposit. By following the tips above however—and being aware of what you could possibly be on the line for—you protect both your rights as a tenant and your finances. And considering that your security deposit is no small chunk of change, that’s always a good thing to make sure to do.