7 Pro Tips for How to Protect Your Move

From purchasing moving insurance to screening moving companies, there are multiple ways to protect your move from fraud. Unfortunately, not everyone uses caution when it comes to hiring a moving company. In fact, every year there are thousands of complaints filed against movers. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), over 3,600 consumers filed complaints about moving fraud back in 2016. Of those complaints, 39 percent reported loss or damage to property; 37 percent reported overcharges; and 15 percent reported a hostage situation where movers refused to give back their belongings. With this in mind, here are 7 pro tips that will hopefully prevent this from happening to you. Good luck and happy moving!

Choose your mover carefully

Research what exactly valuation coverage covers (and doesn’t cover!)

Ask for specifics about your current homeowners policy

Consider purchasing additional moving insurance

Take photos of all belongings before moving

Watch out for red flags

  • The mover doesn’t agree to an on­site inspection.
  • The mover claims they will determine the charges after loading.
  • The mover demands cash or a large deposit upfront.
  • The mover asks you to sign blank or incomplete documents.
  • The mover lacks a local address and/or an official company-owned moving truck.
  • The mover does not provide a written estimate.
  • The mover doesn’t provide you with a copy of Your Rights and Responsibilities.
  • The mover claims all goods are covered by their insurance.

Pack carefully and strategically

Ready to find a reputable moving company?

To find a reliable moving company, check Moving.com’s extensive network of movers. Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands.