7 Tips on How to Make Moving Less Stressful

Move enough, and you start to notice a familiar pattern to the process. There are the initial days of excitement, when you’re gathering packing supplies and moving boxes and psyching yourself up for a couple days of hard work. Then the hard work starts, and you realize that everything you thought would take ten minutes is actually going to take thirty, and everything you thought would take an hour is actually going to take five.

Finally, moving day arrives, a long, sweaty day of heavy lifting and the occasional last minute hiccup. When all is said and done, you sit back in your new home and relax for a second before you look around at your boxes and realize just how much is left to be done. Meanwhile, life – jobs, kids, pets, etc. – continues to require your attention, and the internet company just said they won’t be able to get your service set up for another week.

Is it any wonder that so many people find moving to be stressful?

I don’t mean to paint a doom and gloom picture of moving – it’s really not so bad, and it always works out well in the end. But it’s a fact of life that with moving comes stress, and it’s better to know what to expect (and how to tackle it) than to let it bring you down. These 7 tips on how to make moving less stressful are a good place to start.

Accept that stress is a normal part of the moving process

Give yourself enough time

Start small

Stay organized

Hire professional movers

Ask for help

Get some sleep

Life can be stressful, and moving is no exception. Accept the experience for what it is, and make sure you’re taking care of yourself during the process. And when it’s all over, consider treating yourself to a de-stressor, like a massage or a nice evening out. You’ll certainly have earned it.