8 Essential Moving Day Tips

Prepping to move? There are a lot of steps to check off in between deciding that you want to relocate and successfully executing it. From packing and planning to figuring out how on earth you’re going to unpack and organize everything once you’re finally done, you’ll have to juggle quite a hefty to do list before you can finally sit back and relax in your new digs. And then there’s moving day itself. Even the best of planners can find moving day to be overwhelming and exhausting, but fortunately, there are ways to make it go at least a little bit easier. Follow our moving day tips for advice on how to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Keep a running list of all the little things that have to get done

Have cash to tip your movers

Put into place kid or pet arrangements early in the morning

Pack a cooler

Don’t forget your moving essentials bag

Make sure your phone is fully charged

Leave out some basic cleaning supplies

Do one last walk through

There’s always a bit of a challenge to moving day. While it’s impossible to anticipate everything that could go wrong, following the advice above will help make sure that you’ve at least got your bases covered when it comes to the obvious stuff. If you need to, ask a friend to come lend you a hand just on moving day itself—even if you’ve got movers doing all the difficult labor it’s still incredibly helpful to have a second set of eyes on your to do list.

Check out our additional moving tips for everything you need to know to take the stress out of your move (at least as much as you can).