8 Ideas for Helping a Friend Move (No Heavy-Lifting Required)

When it comes to moving, most of us need all of the help that we can get. There are a lot of tasks and moving pieces to coordinate and keep track of, and life doesn’t go on pause just because you’re in the middle of such a major transition.

If you have a friend going through the moving process, there are quite a few ways you can lend a helping hand that don’t include carrying a heavy couch down the stairs (though that would likely be much appreciated). If you’re interested in helping a friend move but don’t think you’re quite equipped for the more labor-intensive parts of the job, consider providing assistance in other, equally appreciated ways. Here are 8 ideas for lending support and making your friend’s life easier during a move.

Bring them a meal

Watch their pets

Make them a packing playlist

Help them get rid of stuff

Bring over extra supplies

Help pack

Let them borrow your vehicle

Keep them company

Helping a friend move doesn’t have to be an all or nothing endeavor. We’re all busy, but making the effort to help out with small and specific tasks shows just how much you care. A little bit can go a long way, especially when it comes to moving.