8 Questions to Ask During a New Home Walk Through

As a home buyer, you have a lot of tasks to accomplish before the day that you can finally call a new home yours. And while it may have seemed like shopping around to find your dream home was the most important part of the buying process, it’s actually the stuff you do after you make your offer that really helps you ensure you make a smart decision—both for your family and for your finances. The home inspection is a major one of these tasks, as is your new home walk through.

The walk through is your last opportunity to assess the property you’re intending to purchase and guarantee that everything is exactly how you want it. After you sign that stack of paperwork on closing day, there will be no more back-and-forths with the seller and no more opportunities to negotiate costs or repairs. It’s crucial then that you’re incredibly thorough during your final new home walk through—you don’t want to stumble upon something you would have liked to be changed only to realize that, because you’re now the homeowner, a problem that would have been someone else’s job to take care of is actually your job.

Key to making sure you get the most value possible out of your new home walk through is to go in prepared. Read on for eight questions that will help guide you through the walk through process so that you can be sure your home is move-in ready.

Have all requested repairs been made?

Did the seller leave behind all warranties and maintenance guides?

Is everything included in the sale present in the home?

Does everything work?

Is the home clean?

Do all of the windows and doors work?

Is the lawn in good condition?

Is all my furniture going to fit?

What if you find a problem during your new home walk through?

Ideally, your new home walk through is going to go off without a hitch and you’ll end the process feeling excited instead of worried. But if you do find an issue, you’re going to want to act sooner rather than later.

Keep in mind that finding an issue at the final walk through does not necessarily mean the sale is going to fall through. You may just have to delay your closing date for a bit while you head back to the negotiation table and get any additional requests taken care of. You’ll have your real estate agent with you during the walk through, so they can help you navigate these next steps. Generally, it will involve going back to the seller’s agent with a description of the issues and the relevant points in the contract that they contradict.

In the event that the home needs work or repairs, your closing will typically be put on hold while the seller takes care of them. The purchase price may be reduced to accommodate these costs.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, provided it’s reasonable under your contract. Remember, your new home walk through is your last chance to make any requests of the seller. It’s better to delay closing for a little while and get any issues taken care of then to rush forward and move into a less than ideal home.

Always make sure you have your agent, your contract, and your inspection report with you when you go through the property for your final walk through. That way, you can avoid making any complaints that aren’t supported by the documentation, and you can also have an expert by your side who’s been through the walk through process many times before and can help you do it as efficiently and effectively as possible.