8 Things to Buy After Moving (and Not Before)

Moving into a new space often necessitates the purchase of quite a few items. From appliances to area rugs and all the knick-knacks in between, the list of must-haves can get very long very quickly. Dividing your list into what you need before you even step foot in the door and what you can buy after moving will help you manage your finances during an expensive transition and make better informed decisions about what you need.

There’s often a temptation to gather everything you need for your new home before you move, but that just means more things to pack and transport. It can also be a bad call for items like décor, which can be hard to make decisions on without having a better idea of the space itself that you’ll be living in. While there certainly are plenty of items you can and should acquire so that you have them for those first few days at your new place (think shower curtains, water filters, cleaning supplies, etc.) there’s also plenty that can wait. Here are 8 things you should buy after moving, and not before.


Smart devices


Area rugs




New pets

The more you can buy after moving, the less guesswork you’ll have to do about what will be a good fit in your new home. It will also mean less items that you’ll have to worry about finding a way to bring along with you. Stick to the basics for your move, and add on what you need or want for the new place after you’ve settled in. You’ll be glad that you did.