8 Tips for Finding a Roommate on Craigslist

Finding a roommate on Craigslist—or more specifically, finding a good roommate on Craigslist—is a mix of common sense and luck. I’ve been a bridesmaid in a Craigslist roommate’s wedding. I’ve also moved out halfway through a lease so I wouldn’t have to spend one more day living under the same roof as a roommate I found on the site. And along the way, I’ve picked up more than a few fundamentals about how to navigate the Craigslist roommate hunt.

Back in 2008 when I found my first Craigslist roommate, there weren’t a lot of other options for finding a roommate online. If you didn’t know someone, or know someone who knew someone, who was looking for a roommate, there weren’t a ton of other avenues you could take other than playing Craigslist roulette and hoping you ended up with a decent match. Today, there are plenty of ways you can find a roommate, but Craigslist persists as a go-to because it’s free, easy, and surprisingly uncomplicated. And for as many Craigslist roommate horror stories there are, there are just as many success stories.

Thinking of trying it out yourself? Here are eight tips for finding a roommate on Craigslist that you should be sure to follow.

Know what you’re looking for in a roommate

Set up an email account just for the roommate search

Respond to posts, but publish your own too

Be careful about avoiding scams

Ask potential roommates to friend you on social media

Meet up with a potential roommate before signing a lease

Have an open conversation about finances

Always trust your gut

Finding a roommate on Craigslist doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. While you’ll certainly need to be conscious of avoiding red flags, most of the hard work will probably be in crafting that perfect roommate posting or writing a stand-out response to an ad that catches your eye. Just be sure to go into your Craigslist roommate hunt with a very clear idea about what your ideal roommate is like so that when you find them, you know.