9 Reasons You Should Move to Another City or Country

The world is filled with new and magical places. But for many of us, beyond a vacation here and there, we spend most of our lives in just one place. It can be scary to take the leap and move to another city or country, but sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to learn and grow.

There’s a lot to be gained by making the move to another city or country, especially when it comes to learning more about yourself and other people and cultures. Such a major life change can be intimidating, but as they say: you only live once. Here are 9 reasons you should consider packing your bags and moving somewhere new.

Test your limits

Foster independence

Broaden your horizons

Learn to be alone

Make new friends

Choose your optimal place to live

Gain valuable experience

Learn a new language in the best way possible

You’ll start to appreciate where you came from

There’s no right or wrong age to pack up and make your move, so if you’ve got the itch to try out life in a new place and the flexibility to make it happen, go for it. You’re more likely to regret not doing it than taking the plunge. Bon voyage!