9 Thoughtful Going Away Party Ideas and Tips

Saying goodbye is never easy. But if you do have to do it, then what better way than with a going away party? Going away parties are a great opportunity to let someone close to you who’s moving away know just how much you appreciate them—and how much you’ll miss them when they’re gone. And we’ve got plenty of going away party ideas to inspire your planning efforts.

If you’ve never planned a party before, don’t worry. Going away parties can be as casual as you want them to be, and there are very few rules or expectations around what they’ll entail. So put on your party planning hat and get to work with these fun, thoughtful, and always appreciated going away party ideas.

Pick a Venue

Make Your Guest List

Send Out Invites a Few Weeks in Advance—and Be Sure to Ask for RSVPs

Pick a Theme

  • Packing parties. If your guest of honor is up for hosting the party at their home, why not get them some packing help out of it? Provide all of the accouterments you normally would like food, drinks, and music, but also put out packing materials and encourage guests to fill up one or more boxes.
  • Destination parties. Use the going away party as an opportunity to celebrate your friend’s new journey and soon-to-be life in a new town or city. If they’re moving to Miami, for example, decorate the room with palm trees and flip flops and serve some empanadas and margaritas. It’s a festive way to say “we’ll miss you” while also showing how excited you are for their next adventure.
  • Bon voyage parties. Sometimes classic is the best way to go when it comes to going away party ideas. Throw a bon voyage party with a travel theme, with decorations like map tablecloths and a cooler full of airplane bottles of wine.

Provide Some Refreshments

Ask for Useful Gifts

Include Some Going-Away Party Games or Entertainment

Give a Toast

Have a Sign-In Book

The best going away party ideas are those that make your friend feel special and loved, but even just throwing the party in the first place is going to go a long way toward that goal. Know that your friend will be appreciative no matter what you do, and that like most things in life, it really is the thought that counts. So have fun with it, and don’t take it too seriously—everyone getting a chance to be together before your friend moves is a success in itself.