9 Ways to Use the Internet to Make Friends After You Move

It’s a conundrum of life that the older you get, the more difficult it becomes to establish new friendships. Sure, you probably still meet a lot of people through your job or just being out and about, but the kinds of deep relationships that came so easily in childhood are rarer to come by as you age. It’s a problem that most adults face, and one that only becomes exacerbated after a relocation. If you want to make friends after you move, you have to be willing to put yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit.

Whether you only have a few contacts or you’re starting completely from scratch, the internet is a great place to go for building connections in a new place. From friendship apps to online services for new clubs, classes, and volunteer opportunities, here’s how to use the internet to branch out, meet more people, and hopefully, establish some brand new friendships.

Try an app

Get a deal on a new activity

Find a workout buddy

Sign up for a class

Adopt a dog


Discover local events

Bond over food

Join a meet up

It’s not impossible to make friends after you move—it just takes a little bit of effort. With the internet, you can make meeting new people as easy as ordering takeout for dinner. When done alongside the other typical ways of immersing yourself in your new community, it presents a fantastic option for building relationships and finding new friends.