Bye Bye Birdie: How to Get Rid of Pigeons Humanely

Pigeons can carry lice, ticks and disease-bearing mites, and their acidic droppings can damage your car’s paint and anything else it comes in contact with. To make matters worse, once your home becomes their favorite place to perch or nest, it takes some effort to get rid of them.

Luckily, you can encourage them to move somewhere else without causing them any harm. Here are 9 ways to get rid of pigeons if you have an infestation.

Make noise

Give them no place to roost

Be a bad host

Get a gel for that

Hang reflective tape

Surprise them with a little sprinkle

Get an owl decoy

Lure them with bait

Be proactive

Extra help

You’ll want to get your pigeon problem under control quickly if you plan to show your house or if you move into a new home with an infestation. In those cases, consider hiring a professional pest control company that will find the right solution for your unique situation.