Don’t Forget to Do These 5 Things Before Moving Abroad

Relocating abroad can be an overwhelming experience. Filling out visa paperwork, finding the perfect apartment and scheduling the right movers make it all the more challenging. In addition to these concerns – packing, language barriers, transportation, storage and furnishings are all top of mind as well. But by choosing the right moving company, real estate professionals and local consultants, you can ensure that your international move will go as smoothly as possible.

To help with the process, we’ve highlighted five important – and often overlooked – considerations, below. Good luck and happy moving!

Packing for a move abroad

Packing for a move abroad requires more thought than the usual box-everything-up protocol. Before packing your stuff, you’ll need to keep things like electronics, appliances, medications and important documents at the forefront of your mind. Here’s why:

  • Electronics and appliances – Unless your electronics are dual voltage and already compatible with the appropriate foreign outlet, it’s usually better to not bother packing the device. Many times, even with adapters and converters, our devices here in the U.S. just won’t work as well in foreign outlets. To get you through the first few months though, I suggest bringing along adapters and converters, if needed. These can be found in big box stores as well as in any sort of electronics specialty store. Once you arrive in your new home, I recommend purchasing basic electronics (such as hair dryers and electric razors) that are already compatible with your new outlets. Keep in mind that most laptop and cellphone chargers are already dual voltage, and will work in various kinds of power outlets all over the world.
  • Medications – Scheduling a first-time appointment with a quality physician can take time. When moving abroad, expect to wait a few months until you’re able to meet with your new doctor. Plan ahead and bring a few months worth of necessary medications to get you through the initial moving period.
  • Papers and documents – Whatever you do, don’t lose your important documents in your sea of shipments. Keep your family’s medical records, immunization records, school records, passports, driver’s licenses, emergency numbers (including embassy contact information), Social Security numbers, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and health insurance cards safe and secure.

Language and cross-cultural skills training

If you’re moving to a place where you’re unfamiliar with the language, I strongly recommend beginning language training before the big move, so that you can more easily connect with locals during the first few months. Learning the language and its nuances will teach you a million times more about a country’s culture and its people than reading a simple travel book ever could. Rita Mae Brown said it best when she wrote that “language is the road map of a culture.” Learning cross-cultural communication skills is the quickest way to immerse yourself successfully.

If you’re moving to a new country for a job, I suggest asking the company’s HR department whether they offer any sort of language or cultural immersion training. Oftentimes, a company will provide language skills training for free or will pay for the training elsewhere. In the U.S., you can usually find language training centers and classes in your local communities. It’s also a good idea to purchase a small translation dictionary to carry with you at all times when moving to another country.

Other ways to dive into a new culture, include: reading up on the country’s history and political system; cooking up new recipes that are popular in your country; watching documentaries on the country; reading about the country’s etiquette norms; researching local holidays and celebrations; exploring foreign films, music and art; and reading local print and online newspapers.


Navigating a new country isn’t something you’ll likely master overnight. That’s why I don’t recommend waiting until you arrive in your new home to figure out how you’re going to get from point A to point B – especially if you’re going to have to deal with a language barrier as well. It’s important to read up on both common transportation methods and important landmarks in your new city, so that you don’t end up lost or stranded. I strongly suggest researching your new town’s public transportation to find out about the area’s subway system, bus routes, bike rental amenities and ridesharing services, such as taxis or Uber. For reference, Uber is available worldwide in areas like Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

If you’re interested in driving a car, you may want to first find out whether the country you’re relocating to requires an International Driving Permit (IDP). For example, most European countries will accept visitors’ U.S. driver’s licenses, but some need to see your IDP as well. Before getting behind the wheel, make sure to read up on all of the country’s driving laws and road signs. From seatbelts to driving on the right side of the road – different cultures have different driving rules that you must be aware of before hitting the road. Once you’re comfortable driving in your new home, I recommend researching the specifics of obtaining a driver’s license in your new country.

Renting furniture abroad

Let’s face it – when you move across the world, things won’t always go as planned. Furniture arrives late, things get lost and sometimes, that couch just won’t fit through the tiny, old door. It’s also difficult to perfectly coordinate the delivery of your belongings with your own arrival. For these reasons, you may need to rent furniture temporarily while you shop for new furnishings or wait patiently for the movers to arrive. When looking at homes, I recommend searching pre-furnished apartments and houses – as this will save you the hassle and costs of shipping furniture overseas.

In addition to furniture, many expats actually rent basic household goods when moving to a foreign country. These include things such as kitchenwares, vacuum cleaners, televisions, bedding, and silverware – and more. Oftentimes, relocation consultant companies in your new country can help you order rental necessities – from single items to fully tailored packages – before you arrive. Just conduct a little Googling to find a reputable relocation consultant in your new home.

Storing your belongings

If you’ve decided to rent furniture or buy new furniture when you arrive, you’ll have to figure out what to do with all of your things before the move. If you’re moving abroad for the long-term, I suggest selling or donating as much as you can beforehand. But if your move is more of a short-term situation, a seasonal deal (as many moves are) or if you’re planning to move back eventually, I strongly recommend storing your items for future use. To find the most trustworthy and cost-effective self-storage facilities near you, check out’s Find Storage Now tool. In addition to comparing quotes, our tool will allow you to filter these storage facilities by their star rating, price, distance from your home, and various amenities. We can also help you find storage for your car, your boat, and even your RV.

These self-storage facilities are, in my opinion, the safest way to store all of your precious knick-knacks, furniture, antiques and more when moving abroad. Prices for storage units vary depending on size and features. Many storage units offer surveillance and security, as well as a climate controlled environment to ensure that all of your things are well-cared for, even when you’re half-way across the world.

Good luck and happy travels!