Easy Tips for Packing Up Your Garage

The kitchen gets a bad rap for being the hardest place in your home to pack up, but the garage is definitely up there in terms of difficulty. The garage is a haven for storing all of those large and unruly necessities that don’t have a place in the house itself—the landscaping and gardening tools, the extra paint, the dumbbells you got for Christmas but never put to use. It’s also usually the very last place to get packed, meaning by the time you get there you’re just ready to throw everything in a box and get going. But while packing up your garage may not be first on your to-do list, it still has to get done. Here are some tips for making it as painless as possible.

Organize and edit down

Like all rooms of your house, figuring out how to pack a garage starts with figuring out how to get rid of things. Because the garage so often becomes a depository for junk, chances are it is filled with lots of items that you no longer want or need. It’s just a matter of digging through the clutter and sorting them out.

As you begin packing, keep an eye out for things that you can get rid of and sort them each in to one of three piles: recycle, donate, or trash. Don’t just pack everything you see because you’re ready to be done and it’s easier that way. Getting rid of things now is hugely helpful for both the move itself and unpacking, so take the time to let go of the things that no longer serve a purpose in your life. As a bonus, a lot of those items can likely be donated. List big supplies that are in good condition on Zealous Good and see if a local charity wants to come pick them up, or drop them off at a Goodwill or another organization that might benefit from them.

Want to turn your unneeded items into cash? Start organizing early and host a pre-move garage sale. Not only will you be able to find a new home for things that are simply weighing you (and the moving truck) down, you’ll also make some money to offset the cost of your move.

Gather your supplies

Packing up your garage necessitates having the right supplies for the job. A lot of your typical garage items are bulky and oddly shaped, so you’ll need some heavy-duty boxes and plenty of moving blankets (and towels and bedding—see below) to keep everything safe. Plastic moving containers are ideal for packing a garage, since they’re incredibly sturdy. Cardboard boxes will work too, just make sure they’re in good condition and be wary of overpacking them. In addition, you’ll need plastic wrap, plenty of packing tape (you’ll want to double or triple seal heavy boxes), and packing paper.

Save your towels and linens

During the inside packing process, set aside old towels and bedding items that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. These are ideal for wrapping up some of the more difficult to secure garage items, like pruning shears and trowels. Don’t use your everyday linens, since they’re bound to get a bit filthy in the process (though, of course, a quick run through the wash will make any towels or linens you do use good as new).

Safety first

Garage items can pose some interesting challenges when it comes to packing, so it’s important to always keep safety in mind when getting these things ready to ship. That means separating tools from their power chords, batteries, and attachments and storing them in the carrying cases they came in or a different designated container. Make sure to drain any oil or gas from tools that use them, including your lawnmower. Wrap up sharp-edged tools in packing paper, plastic wrap, and an old towel for extra protection, and then bundle like items together. Fill up the space in between boxed items with wadded up packing paper or smaller towels or linens to reduce the chance that things will get jumbled around. Make sure all screws, nails, and other tiny parts are kept together, as well. If they’re not already in their own case, use plastic or paper baggies.

Keep in mind what you can’t pack on the truck

There are certain things that are not allowed on moving trucks, and many of those things reside in your garage. When packing up your garage, be sure to set aside the following items for transport separately in your own car:

– Paint and paint thinners
– Aerosol cans
– Propane tanks
– Pesticides and herbicides
– Car batteries
– Pool chemicals
– Liquid bleach
– Cleaning solvents

Head to our moving non-allowables page for a complete list of what items can’t be put on the truck.

Clean, then pack

You don’t need to completely scrub down every single item in your garage before packing it, but do keep a damp towel on hand for wiping off cobwebs and dirt before getting each item ready for transport. Sure it’s one extra step, but even just a quick wipe-down will do, and you’ll be glad you did it when you’re not unpacking a bunch of filthy things at your new house.

Group like items together

To keep yourself as organized as possible when packing a garage (and to make the unpacking stage a whole lot easier), bundle together items that are similar in size and shape. Gather long items like rakes, brooms, and shovels together and roll them up in a moving blanket. Stack patio chairs (remove the cushions first and pack these separately in their own bin), box small hardware items together, etc. In addition to saving you time in the unpacking stage, doing this will also make it easier to arrange items on the moving truck.

Packing bikes

Most of the time you’ll probably be just fine putting your bikes right on to the truck as they are. But if you’re worried about them, you can always buy a designated bike box or bag for secure transport. They don’t run cheap though, so only purchase one if you plan on using it again for other sorts of bike travel—for instance, if you plan to take your bike on a trip with you.

Label your boxes

The items in your garage are there for a reason. To make sure that they don’t end up inside when you arrive at your new place, clearly mark them “GARAGE.” You should also note if there are any hazardous materials inside, particularly for those items that are not allowed to be transported on the moving truck. You don’t want to take the risk of something dangerous winding up on the truck bed.

Separate the essentials

You may need some of the items in your garage right away after you move. Pack a box (or boxes, depending on whether the items can be packed together) of clearly marked essentials so you know exactly where to look when you need a hammer or drill.

Packing up your garage might not be fun, but it’s actually easier than you think. Once you figure out how you’re going to deal with the bulk and weight of the items in there, it’s really just a matter of getting the right supplies and packing everything up smartly and safely. Follow the tips above to simplify the process, and if you’re really worried about it, call your moving company and ask if garage packing is a service they provide.