How Much Does a Hot Tub Weigh?

There’s a lot of heavy lifting that goes into any move. That’s especially true if you have large and bulky items to deal with, such as a piano, pool table, or—for our purposes here—a hot tub. And if you’ve got a hot tub to move, then it’s important to factor in questions like “how much does a hot tub weigh?” into your planning process. This goes double if you’re thinking that you might want to move it yourself instead of hiring a professional moving company for the job.

As you might expect, hot tubs are quite heavy. This can make them both a figurative and literal pain to move, and it definitely means you’ll need at least a few extra sets of hands if you’re going to go the DIY route.

So, how much does a hot tub weigh exactly? You can’t just stick it on a scale, but you can look to average hot tub weights in order to get an idea of what you might be working with. Here’s what to know about it, including some quick and helpful tips on how to get your hot tub from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.

How much does a hot tub weigh?

The average hot tub weight varies by make, model, and size. However, in general, a small hot tub (sized for two to three people) will weigh about 500 pounds when empty, while a large hot tub (sized for up to six people) will weigh about 1,000 pounds when empty. Based on these averages, you can assume a medium sized hot tub is around 750 pounds when empty.

Keep in mind that these are just estimates, and that your exact hot tub may weigh a bit more or less than the averages. Still, these numbers should give you a basic idea of how much a hot tub weighs—and from there, your best plan of action for moving a hot tub to your new home.

Quick tips for moving a hot tub

Now that we’ve answered the question of “how much does a hot tub weigh?” let’s look at some of the other logistics involved in moving it.

It’s certainly not impossible to move a hot tub on your own, especially if it’s one of the smaller varieties. That being said, it is going to require some special planning and handling, and it definitely isn’t something that one person can do all by themselves.

Here are some tips to follow as you figure out your optimal plan of attack.

Make sure you rent a big enough moving truck

Figure out what your obstacles are

Enlist some help

Have your supplies ready to go

  • Moving straps
  • Two furniture dollies
  • Two sturdy 2 x 4 pieces of wood

Prep your hot tub at least a few days before you move

Want to hire a moving company to move your hot tub?

With the largest hot tubs weighing in at upwards of 1,000 pounds, you may be better off hiring movers to do the job—even if you just have them move your hot tub and you move everything else.

Any reputable moving company should do, just let them know ahead of time that you have a hot tub to be moved and any additional details regarding its size and any obstacles (i.e. staircases, narrow passageways, etc.) they’ll need to be aware of. To make it easy, use to quickly and easily search professional movers in your area, and then compare at least three companies based on price, availability, and reviews.