How to Design a Kitchen

A kitchen sets the tone for an entire house. It’s no wonder then that homeowners tend to have so much difficultly figuring out how to design a kitchen that meets their aesthetics and their budget. With so much riding on doing it right (and the inherent expense and complexity of designing a kitchen in the first place), it’s understandable to get a bit overwhelmed just thinking about tackling the project, let alone actually doing it.

As with most things, however, the best way to figure out how to design a kitchen is to break it into digestible steps. Whether you’re doing it on your own or with the help of a professional designer, read on for the steps you’ll need to take in order to design a kitchen that you can be proud of.

Set Your Budget

Create a Vision Board

Set Your Priorities

Make a Floor Plan

Figure Out Your Electrical, Gas, and Water Configurations

Choose a Cabinet Manufacturer

Choose Your Counter Tops

Choose Appliances and Placement

Finishing Touches

You don’t need to be a seasoned design professional in order to know how to design a kitchen. By following the steps above, you should be able to come up with a stunning and cohesive kitchen design that’s in budget and suited to your needs.

For more kitchen planning advice, read our articles on how to design an IKEA kitchen and budget-friendly design ideas for your kitchen that only look expensive.