How to Disassemble and Reassemble a Pool Table

Moving with a pool table? There’s a good chance that you’re going to need to take it apart and put it back together. Standard pool tables are incredibly large and heavy, making it pretty difficult to move them in one piece—even for a professional moving company. So how do you do it? In this post, we’ll cover all of the general advice you need to know in order to disassemble and reassemble a pool table so that you’ll be ready to go on moving day.

Note: Keep in mind that these directions apply to a standard, wood-framed pool table with drop pockets and a slate bed. If you’re trying to disassemble and reassemble a pool table of a different variety, you’ll need to find a guide for that specific type.

Important Safety Tips Before You Disassemble and Reassemble a Pool Table

Safety is important when taking apart any piece of furniture, and that goes double for something with as many heavy parts as a pool table. To make sure that you are properly protected, wear eye protection during the disassembly and reassembly process and have a helper on hand to assist with any heavy lifting.

How to Disassemble a Pool Table

It’s actually not that hard to dissemble a pool table if you go into it knowing what to expect. Follow the steps below to do it right.

Gather your supplies

  • Flathead screwdriver or needle nose pliers
  • Wrench
  • Drill with a screwdriver bit

Take out the staples that are securing the pockets

Unscrew (and bag) the side rail bolts

Remove the felt

Remove the slate

Remove the legs

How to Reassemble a Pool Table

After your move it’s time to put your pool table back together. You’ll mostly just work backwards from the steps above. Here’s how.

Gather your supplies—and your parts

Screw the legs on

Reattach the slate bed

Reattach the felt

Re-secure the side rails

Reaffix the drop pockets

And there you go! Take your time when reassembling your pool table so that it’s all done correctly—you’ll probably need about two to three hours. And if you need any help when it comes to how to disassemble and reassemble a pool table—especially if you don’t think you’re up to the task of doing it yourself—bring on a professional for the job. You want to be sure it’s someone who has experience, so look for local pool table installers and get a couple quotes so you can be sure to get a good deal.