How to Find a New Doctor When You Move

Moving to a new city? Make finding a new doctor a top priority. While it’s often easy to postpone finding new health care providers until you really need them, it’s important that you find them (and get to know them) before you experience health issues. After all, if you are struck by an unforeseen illness in a new city, having an established doctor will expedite your treatment and recovery. If you are not an established patient, you may have to wait weeks or months for a first-time appointment. For these reasons, assembling the right team of health care professionals is crucial to your future well-being. If you’re not sure how to find a primary care doctor in your new city, we can help. Here’s what to consider before finding a new doctor and how to locate one near you.

What to consider before finding a new doctor

  • The type of doctor needed – Before making an appointment with a doctor, you should determine the kind of physician you need. For the most part, everyone needs a primary care doctor. This doctor is your main point of contact for all healthcare needs and should be able to refer to you to specialists. If you need a specialist, we recommend asking your primary care for recommendations and/or using our tips below to help find the right doctor for you.
  • Location – Do you want a doctor with an office located near your home? How about one located near your office? Do you want the “best” doctor no matter the location? Bottomline: decide how important the location of a doctor’s office is to you.
  • Hospital versus small practice – Evaluate the pros and cons of having a doctor in a large hospital system versus one in a small private practice. Many patients (particularly those with chronic illnesses) prefer the convenience that a doctor in a large hospital offers. One major benefit to a hospital is having all medical equipment and medical departments under one roof, giving the patient easy access to testing and specialty doctors. However, many patients still opt for doctors who work in small medical practices. These smaller practices tend to emphasize personal, one-on-one attention. Whatever you decide, make sure to research both options beforehand.
  • Personal preferences – Do you prefer a male or female doctor? Is the age of the doctor important to you? Do you want a doctor who is older and more experienced? How about one who’s up to speed on the latest and greatest experimental studies? Decide what kind of doctor will make you most comfortable and seek that person out.

How to find a primary care doctor

Get a recommendation from your former primary care doctor

Find health care providers through your insurance provider

Use the American Medical Association’s DoctorFinder tool

Search the U.S. News Doctor Finder

Ask new friends, neighbors and coworkers

Questions to ask when booking an appointment with a new doctor

  • What kind of patient does this doctor typically see?
  • Does the office have an online portal where I can access my records and tests?
  • Do they have experience treating patients with my condition?
  • Are medical labs and tests conducted in the doctor’s office or will I need to travel elsewhere to have these done?
  • How long do patients typically wait to see the doctor once they arrive at the office?
  • Do I need to arrive early to fill out paperwork?
  • Can you give me directions to the office, as well as any parking information I may need?
  • How long will I be able to meet with the doctor?
  • Does the doctor have a nurse practitioner who I can meet with when he/she isn’t available?
  • What are the office hours?

Moving soon?

Before finding a new doctor, you’ll need to plan your move. Fortunately,’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving.