How to Get Rid of Mildew Smell

Nobody likes dealing with mildew in their home. The smell of mildew however is often the very first sign that there’s a mildew problem at bay—and it’s also a strong indicator that a bigger mold issue is following close behind. Your best plan of action: figure out how to get rid of mildew smell and the mildew itself so that you don’t end up with a larger problem than you’d originally anticipated.

If you’ve noticed a mildew smell in your home, here’s what to do about it, plus a helpful guide to what mildew is, why it happens, and how you can prevent it.

What is mildew?

Mildew is a type of mold that grows in a thin and flat pattern, commonly in rooms like bathrooms, kitchens, and crawl spaces. It requires a certain balance of moisture and temperature to flourish, which is why warm, damp, and dark places are those where you’ll most commonly find it.

Sound familiar? There is a lot of overlap between mildew and other types of mold you might find in your home, particularly when it comes to the environments that you’ll find them in. But there are some key differences that can help you distinguish between the two.

Mold vs. mildew:

Mildew and mold both require warm and damp environments to grow. Here are some ways to figure out what you’re dealing with:

    • Look at the surface. Mildew is flat and often powdery, and is found only on the surface of the area that it inhabits. Mold, on the other hand, is generally slimy or fuzzy, and extends beneath the surface in addition to presenting on the top.
    • Examine the color. Mildew is light in color; generally yellow, gray, or white. Mold is darker, and usually green or black.

    Head here to learn more about the differences between mildew and mold and how you can tell the two apart.

    Is mildew dangerous?

    Figuring out how to get rid of mildew smell is about more than just your comfort level. While mildew isn’t considered to be quite as toxic as mold, left untreated it can lead to a range of respiratory symptoms—including sneezing and coughing—as well as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.

    Mildew can be dangerous to your home, too. Like most fungis, mildew gradually eats away at the surface that it inhabits. If it gets to be serious, that can mean structural damage to walls, ceilings, stairways, furniture, etc., depending on where it’s growing.

    What does mildew smell like?

    In a word: musty. Mildew’s smell is pretty apt for its environment—think damp and earthy—and may be reminiscent of rotting wood. This is similar to the odor you might expect from various other bathroom molds, with the main difference being that mildew smells aren’t as strong as mold smells. If the odor is overpowering, that suggests you’ve got a mold problem rather than a mildew one.

    How to get rid of mildew smell

    The good news is that mildew is relatively easy to treat, especially when compared to mold. This is largely due to the fact that mildew is a surface problem and not a sub-surface one, which means that a little bit of scrubbing is generally the solution to how to get rid of mildew smell, versus the more extensive solutions required for mold removal.

    What you’ll need:

      • Spray bottle
      • Distilled white vinegar
      • Small scrub brush or abrasive sponge
      • Baking soda
      • Small bucket of hot water
      • Clean rag

      It’s a good idea to wear protective gear too when dealing with mildew, particularly a mask. Wear thick flock-lined or rubber gloves too to protect your hands from both the mildew and the hot water you’ll be using.

      How to remove mildew smell:

      Remove all items from the affected area

      Apply vinegar spray

      Get to scrubbing

      Dry the area

      Getting rid of a mildew smell with bleach:

      Vinegar, baking soda, and hot water should be sufficient to get the job done, but you can also choose to make a bleach solution.

      To do it, mix one cup of powdered bleach with one cup of warm water in a bucket and use that as your scrubbing solution. Note however that a mask and ventilation are doubly important if working with bleach, even as you’re just combining it with water.

      Preventing mildew from forming

      Mildew prevention is important both after treating the mildew smell and prior to ever experiencing the problem in the first place. A few tips on doing it:

        • Pay attention to humidity levels in your home. Mildew and mold both thrive on humidity. If you have a household dehumidifier then be sure to use it—and to adjust it as needed depending on the season.
        • Keep the fan on when showering. That bathroom fan isn’t just there for looks. Use it every single time that you bathe or shower to suck moisture out of the air instead of allowing it to end up on your walls, ceilings, and floors.
        • Dry off wet areas. Sitting water is a no-go when you’re trying to prevent mildew. Make sure to thoroughly dry your bathtubs, showers, faucets, etc. after use, as well as anywhere else that water happens to end up.
        • Open the windows. Fresh air is one of the best ways to prevent mildew. Weather permitting, keep your windows open and the fresh air flowing, especially in rooms where mildew tends to flourish.

        FAQs about dealing with mildew

        Have some questions in addition to how to get rid of mildew smell? Here are answers to common queries that homeowners have about dealing with a mildew smell (and mildew itself) in their homes.

        Can you fully get rid of mildew smell?

        You should be able to! The method above uses vinegar (a natural disinfectant) and baking soda (a natural odor-neutralizer)—which together help treat both the smell of mildew and its root cause.

        Is it better to use bleach for getting rid of mildew?

        Bleach is certainly stronger than the natural method of how to get rid of mildew smell, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessary. Vinegar and baking soda are usually more than sufficient, and are also a good choice if you have kids or pets.

        Does a musty smell always mean mildew?

        Not always. A musty smell can also be indicative of mold, however mold usually smells quite a bit stronger than mildew.

        Will mildew ever go away on its own?

        The spores that lead to mildew and mold are always present in our homes. This means that any time the environment is right the problem can pop back up again. So while you can efficiently and effectively treat and remove mildew in your home, it’s not a guarantee that you won’t see (and smell) it again if the conditions are right.