How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard

Despite their small size, a burrowing mole can create big problems for lawns and gardens. This small, velvety-furred animal burrows into the ground, digging tunnels and mounds, which can wreak havoc on a homeowner’s yard. Moles spend the majority of their lives underground searching for earthworms, slugs, and other creepy-crawly food sources. According to Cardinal Lawns, the animals construct underground tunnels as a place to store their food. Unfortunately, these tunnels can completely destroy a lawn’s root system causing the grass, flowers and plants to die. Replacing this landscaping can be quite expensive, which is why it’s so important to prevent moles in the first place. However, if you already have moles in your yard, take comfort in knowing that you can and will get rid of them with the right treatments. Before making a mountain out of a molehill (get it?), read our tips below for how to get rid of moles in your yard.

Signs you have a mole problem

  • Molehills – The tell-tale sign that you have a mole problem? Molehills throughout the yard. These molehills are hard to miss. Caused by a mole pushing up dirt as they burrow into the ground, molehills tend to be cone-shaped mounds of dirt and soil. They are often described as volcano-like mounds that are under 6 inches tall. If you spot multiple molehills throughout the yard, you know you have a mole problem.
  • Surface tunnels – Moles spend the majority of their time digging tunnels in search of food. These feeding tunnels tend to be surface tunnels located just below the surface of the yard. They typically appear as raised dirt ridges and may run from one molehill to the next. If you spot surface tunnels in your yard, this is typically a common sign of mole activity.
  • Seeing a mole – Moles spend most of their time underground minding their own business (and destroying your plants), so it’s unlikely that you’ll see them in-person. However, if you do spot a mole (or several), then you know there’s a potential problem. After all, where there’s one mole, there’s plenty. Moles are small creatures – typically under 10 inches long with velvety-like fur, paddle-like claws and feet, and a long pig-like snout. Given that moles prefer to burrow deep in the ground during extreme temperatures, you’re more likely to spot a mole during the fall and spring months.
  • Damaged lawn and plants – Does your lawn look lumpy? Are your plants dead? Is the grass filled with dirt mounds? If so, you might have a mole problem. Take a look around at your lawn, plants and gardens to see if there’s any damage. Once you’ve confirmed that there are indeed moles in your yard, follow these tips below for how to get rid of moles in your yard.

Take these steps to fix your mole problem

Eliminate the mole’s food

Spray the ground with repellent

Dig a trench around your garden or flower bed

Set a mole trap

Avoid over-watering your lawn

Need to find a professional pest control service?

If the mole problem is out of control, then it’s time to call in the professionals. For help finding a professional pest control service, check out our tips for hiring service providers for your home. Need help planning your upcoming move as well? Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!