How to Get Rid of Raccoons In and Around Your Home

So you moved to a new home only to find that the house has a raccoon problem. Yikes. Don’t let those cute, furry features trick you. Raccoons can cause a heck of a lot of trouble in and around your home. These bushy-tailed, trash-eating, destructive pests are also known to be downright vicious when threatened. Due to the animal’s aggressive nature, it’s important to be especially careful when dealing with racoons. These bandit-looking animals have long, sharp claws and are often carriers of disease (think: rabies and roundworm), so if you end up being scratched by one, you could be in trouble. Not sure how to get rid of raccoons in and around your home? We can help. From your attic and garage to your roof and backyard, here are a few ways to prevent and treat a raccoon infestation in your house.

Signs you have a raccoon problem

So how do you know you have a raccoon problem? Most homeowners will see a raccoon at some point or another, if there’s a real pest problem in and around the home. For those with more elusive raccoons, here are a few tried-and-true signs that there may be an infestation in your attic, garage or yard – three of the most common places homeowners find raccoons.

  • Trash strewn across the yard– Does it look as though someone (or something) has been messing with your trash? If the garbage can lid is off, and there’s food and trash strewn about the yard, then you may have a raccoon problem on your hands.
  • Loud noises in the attic – Does it sound like a small child is running around your attic? While raccoons often hide in a number of places, attics seem to be their favorite place to call home. One sign that you have an unwelcome guest upstairs is hearing a lot of noise – particularly at night. Given that raccoons are nocturnal creatures, you’ll likely hear them coming and going throughout the evening. Trust us – these frisky creatures will make it known they are there. Loud stomping from adult raccoons and high pitch cries from baby raccoons (called “kits”) are common noises you’ll hear in the attic.
  • Visible evidence – There may be plenty of visible evidence that a raccoon has taken up residence in and around your home. Feces, claw marks and wood piles used for nesting are often easy to spot outdoors. Inside the home, you may find chewed up beams, insulation, wiring and walls. You may also find areas of the attic where a raccoon has scratched and clawed your floors and walls. Paw prints are another sign that you have a raccoon in the home.

How to get rid of raccoons in and around your house

Seal off the chimney

Check for openings in the roof

Keep up with yard and tree maintenance

Keep your trash cans secure

Invest in motion detector lighting

Play loud noises in the attic

Drive them away with foul-smelling odors

Need to find a professional pest control service?

If the raccoon problem is out of control (and/or you sense the raccoons may be sick and carrying a dangerous disease), then it’s time to call in the professionals. For help finding a professional pest control service, check out our tips for hiring service providers for your home. Need help planning your upcoming move as well? Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!