How to Get Your Security Deposit Back When You Move Out

Not sure how to get your security deposit back? You’ve given your landlord notice, paid your last month’s rent and are ready to move out. Unfortunately, your landlord hasn’t yet returned your security deposit. As anyone who’s ever rented knows, that security deposit is a hefty chunk of change, one that will undoubtedly help with covering future expenses. So how do you go about getting your security deposit back in the most efficient way possible? Follow these 10 tips to get your deposit back in full within a month’s time.

How to Get Your Security Deposit Back

Review your lease prior to moving out (and moving in!)

Document any damage to the home that already exists

Give your landlord proper notice that you’re moving out

Ask your landlord to conduct a walk-through

Repair damage

Clean the home as thoroughly as possible

Do your own final inspection

Return the keys

Contact your landlord

Know your rights

Want to find the best and cheapest cities for renters?

We’ve rounded up the best midsize to large cities for tenants. These cities all offer affordable rentals, plenty of culture, good schools and a strong job market. Check them out here.

Ready to move out of your rental?

When you’re ready to leave, make sure to hire the right moving day pros for the job. To find a trustworthy moving company, check out’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers – all licensed and insured. By choosing a mover, you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands.