How to Know if a Home Buyer Is Serious

So you’ve hired a Realtor, listed your home and are ready to sell. Now all you have to do is find a serious buyer. The only problem is you can’t tell if potential buyers are actually interested in purchasing your home. After all, while plenty of “house hunters” don’t mind dipping their toes in the world of real estate, few of them are actually willing to take the plunge and make a major home purchase. Not sure how to tell if a homebuyer is serious about purchasing your home? Fortunately, there are usually quite a few clues that can help you gauge a home buyer’s interest and intent. Here are 7 signs that a buyer is serious about buying your home.

How to tell if a homebuyer is serious

They’ve been pre-approved for a mortgage

They make a legitimate offer

They have hired a Realtor

They know the local housing market well

They spend time touring the home and asking appropriate questions

They have already listed their current place

They follow up after an open house

Ready to move?

After finding a serious homebuyer and selling your home, you’re finally ready to move. Fortunately, we can help. To find the best moving company to move your belongings, check’s extensive network of reputable and reliable movers. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!