Our Best Tips on How to Move When You Have Stairs

Lugging heavy items up and down stairs adds an extra challenge to a move. Not only do you have to somehow get your belongings from one floor to the next, but you have to do so without damaging your home’s walls, staircase banisters or the item you’re moving. Plus, you want to do it safely so no one gets hurt.

Luckily, stairs don’t have to require a Herculean effort. In fact, with the right equipment and a few friends, the average person can easily manage a move with a staircase. What follows is our very best advice on how to move when you have stairs.

Plan ahead

Before moving day, take stock of the items that may present a challenge. First, measure their height, width and depth. You may want to record these measurements so you have them on hand for the move. Next, measure the width of the stairs, the space around corners and the distance to the ceiling. Jot these measurements down as well.

Then, formulate a plan for each item. You’ll want to decide what the best position to carry that is. Does it need to be carried at a particular angle as you go up or down the stairs? Will you need a different position or angle to avoid hitting the walls, railings or ceiling? Also, consider whether specific equipment, like a hand truck, will make the task easier. Finally, you’ll want to determine how many people you need to help move that piece.

If you’ve never moved heavy or bulky items before, invest the time to learn how to lift correctly. This will prevent injury and reduce the risk of damaging your belongings.

Get the right equipment

The right equipment makes moving up and down stairs much easier. If you rent a moving truck, a hand truck or other equipment may come with it free of charge. If not, you’ll want to consider renting one or more of these options before you start moving.

  • Hand truck/utility dolly: Although often referred to simply as a dolly, these L-shaped, two-wheeled carts have a flat platform that can be wedged under items and tilted back for easy transport. (A furniture dolly isn’t upright; it is flat and has four wheels.) Be sure you are renting a hand truck—even if it is called a dolly—because you won’t be able to maneuver or control an actual dolly (also called furniture dolly) on stairs.
  • Stair climbing dolly: These hand trucks are specifically designed for stairs and can be manual or battery-operated. Most have three wheels and are arranged in a triangular fashion. Two wheels rest on the step while the third rotates up to the next step. While these devices make it easy for one person to transport a heavy item up and down stairs, they are pricey. You’ll pay $1,000 to $4,000 to purchase a heavy-duty one and between $100 to $200 to rent one for the day.
  • Moving straps: These harnesses allow you to lift heavier items than you normally would be able to. They work by attaching to a strap that loops under the item you are moving. You’ll need another person with moving straps on the other end of the item to lift the item and position it. When using moving straps, the stronger person should be on the bottom since gravity shifts the weight down on stairs.

Use what you have

If you are in a pinch and don’t have time to rent or buy special equipment, you can improvise with the following items:

  • A sturdy blanket: As long as your item isn’t too heavy, you can use a blanket to move it down the stairs. Simply slip the blanket under the item, and using the excess fabric, make “handles.” Lift the item with a friend on the other end, and slowly make your way up or down the stairs. Again, you’ll want the stronger person behind the item since gravity will transfer most of the weight towards the person lower on the stairs.
  • Basic tools: Depending on the item, you may be able to break it down into more manageable pieces with a screwdriver, ratchet set and other common tools. You can remove legs or back from chairs, mirrors from dressers or doors from heavy appliances.

Protect your stairs

Wood stairs can get scuffed and carpeted stairs stained during a move unless you protect them. The type of protection needed depends on whether you have wooden or carpeted stairs. Since wooden stairs have no padding, an item dropped on them can easily scratch or dent the wood. You’ll want protection with padding. On the other hand, since carpet has padding, look for a cover that will adhere to the carpet fibers and not slip. Here are some options:

  • Stair runners: Made from neoprene or carpet to specifically protect your wood stairs during a move, these runners minimize scratches and dents in the wood. A similar version for carpeted stairs is designed to adhere to carpet fibers. Quality runners have an adhesive backing and anti-slip surfaces. If yours don’t, tape them in place with painter’s tape.
  • Non-slip drop cloths: While non-slip canvas drop cloths and plastic drop cloths don’t provide padding for wooden stairs, they conform to their shape, making it easier to keep dirt and dust from causing damage. You’ll need to secure these to the stairs with painter’s tape.
  • Rosin paper: Builders and contractors use rosin paper to protect surfaces during construction, and it works well to protect stairs from dirt. Unfortunately, it tears and does little to protect wood against dents. It’s still a reasonable option as long as you secure it with painter’s tape.
  • Old blankets or rugs: Thick blankets and rugs offer wood stairs protection against scratches, dents and scuffs and protect against dirt. Again, you’ll have to secure them in place with painter’s tape, but you’ll also want to watch that they don’t get bunched and create a tripping hazard. If you don’t have old blankets or rugs, moving blankets can work, too.

Protect your home

To minimize damage to your home’s banisters and walls during the move, take these extra steps.

  1. Wrap moving blankets, old blankets or thick towels around the banisters to prevent the edges and corners of large pieces from causing damage. Secure with painter’s tape.
  2. Cover staircase walls with moving blankets or old bedspreads held in place with painter’s tape. If you don’t have thick coverings, bedsheets will at least prevent scuffs.
  3. Remove doors, if necessary for added maneuverability and to protect the door from damage.

Move safely

The actual process of moving down the stairs depends on what equipment, if any, you use. Regardless, these tips will help reduce damage and the chance of injury.

  • Know how to lift. Whether you’re lifting a box or sofa, bend your knees, and lift with your legs. Make sure you have a good grip and stand slowly. If you need help, get it.
  • Position for weight. As you move up or down stairs, the weight of whatever item you’re carrying will be greater at the lower angle. Make sure the strongest person is behind the item to manage the brunt of the weight, and the weaker person is in front, guiding it.
  • Go slowly. Take it slow. If you try to move too fast or carelessly, the item can get away from you and fall to the bottom of the staircase or into a wall. Worst case scenario, it can injure someone in the process, too.
  • Reposition if necessary. As you move slowly, you can usually ease the item down for a momentary break or to adjust your grip. If you are navigating a staircase landing, you can also reposition the item, allowing you to make the turn without damaging the walls.

Hire professionals

Some movers will charge an additional fee for stairs depending on which city you live in, how many flights of stairs are involved, how much stuff needs to be moved up and down those stairs and other factors. However, if you live on an upper floor or have a multi-story home, it’s often worth the extra money to have professionals do the work for you.

Moving.com has an extensive network of reputable and reliable movers who can pack your entire home and move whether you have stairs or not. And, because they’re licensed and insured—not to mention incredibly experienced—you don’t have to stress them causing damage to your staircase, walls or belongings on moving day.