How to Save Money on a Home Renovation

Want to save money on a renovation? Many homeowners end up overspending and exceeding their budgets simply because they underestimate home renovation costs. Fortunately, with the right planning and budgeting know-how, it is possible to cut down on costs when renovating a property without compromising the quality. From prioritizing home projects and working in phases to repurposing used materials and seeking multiple bids, here are 11 ways you can save money on a renovation.

11 ways to save money on a renovation

Know your budget

Prioritize renovations that add value

Seek bids from multiple contractors

Be your own contractor

Do as much of it yourself as possible

Find used renovation material

Wait to purchase home items during big sales

Don’t do everything at once

Sell the home’s old materials to purchase new one

Consider using a home equity line of credit to pay for renovations

Purchase floor model appliances

Moving to a fixer-upper?

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