Moving for Work: What Questions Should You Ask Before You Take the Job?

Moving for work is an exciting way to relocate to a new city or town, while also embarking on a new job. But before you accept an offer and pack up your life, there are a lot of things to consider about your potential role, benefits, the company culture and whether a relocation package is part of your employer’s offer. To help you out during this time, we’re sharing some questions you should ask your potential employer and yourself before you relocate. Check out more below:

What are the in’s and out’s of my role?

What’s the company culture like?

Can you advance in the company?

How can they help you acclimate to the area?

What are the benefits?

What is the job offer?

What is the relocation package?

Is there flexibility to start?

Does the job excite you?

Other practical things to consider

Moving for a new job is a great way to take on a new challenge! However, before you up and move you’ll want to make sure that both the role and your city and/or town is right for you. We hope these questions will help you as you make your decision this year.