A Pet Parent’s Guide to Moving with Pets

Moving is a big transition for everyone in the family—especially when you’re moving with pets. Whether furred, feathered, finned, or scaled, your pet’s needs should be a top priority throughout your move, with special care taken to minimize moving stress as much as possible during the process. So, where do you start? We’ve put together this guide to moving with pets that you can use as you plan an upcoming move.

Preparing for a move with pets

There’s quite a bit of planning that goes into moving with a pet. This includes the obvious stuff like packing up all of your pet’s things in addition to your own, but also things like prepping your pet for the move and transferring their records to a new veterinarian if necessary. The sooner you start to prepare, the better off you and your pet will be. Start early and make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to work out all of the details.

If you’re selling your home before a move, you’ll have some extra steps to take in regards to your pet. Selling a home when you have a pet is a lot to take on. Specifically, there needs to be a game plan for keeping them relaxed and out of the house during open houses and showings.

Packing up your pet’s belongings

You’ll need at least two boxes for your pet’s things; one essentials box that you’ll keep accessible during your entire move and one or more box for everything else. The box should contain things your pet might need during the day or in the event of an emergency, including:

    • Vaccine records
    • I.D. tags
    • Medications
    • Food and water dish
    • A few days of food
    • Treats
    • Kitty litter and scoop
    • Harness and leash
    • Waste bags
    • A blanket/throw/towel
    • Toys

    As a good rule of thumb, take the opportunity to clean your pet’s belongings before packing them up. Beds, toys, dishes, and clothing can all get pretty gross, and you probably don’t want to be unpacking dirty items in your clean new home.

    Helping your pet get used to a crate

    The safest way to move most pets is in a crate or carrier. Hopefully, you already have a crate or carrier that will work for your move, but if not, purchase one as far in advance as possible so that you have lots of time to get your pet acclimated. And if you’re going to be flying to your new home, double-check that any container you buy meets the airline’s requirements.

    Some pets take to crates and carriers better than others. If your pet hates being confined, make their crate a happy place by planting toys and treats. Leave it out with the door open for a few weeks before moving as well so that they can explore at their own pace.

    Transferring to a new veterinarian

    One of the most crucial things you’ll do when moving with pets is to ensure that your furry companion has a veterinarian. Depending on how far away you’re going, that may require switching to a new vet office. You’ll want to do that in advance.

    Start the process by talking to your current vet and letting them know you’re moving. They may be able to recommend a vet in your new location, plus tips for reducing your pet’s stress during the move and guidance on how to transfer their records. As soon as you know what office you’ll be transferred to, call and make sure they’re accepting new clients, then ask what’s required of you. You may need to set up an initial visit.

    Getting your pet to your new home

    Moving day itself is the trickiest to manage with pets, and it’s often the most stressful too. Pets can pick up on the energy of their humans, so do your best to remain calm. It will go a long way toward helping your pet do the same.

    How you travel with your pet will largely depend on how far you have to go. Your pet’s size, age, temperament, and medical conditions should also be considered. Sometimes the quickest and most convenient option isn’t the best option. All things considered, it might be worth it to take a bit longer to get to your new home if that’s what your pet truly needs.

    Driving with pets

    Driving with dogs, cats, or other pets is usually the preferred option, and for a few reasons. For starters, driving allows your pet to stay in a more controlled and familiar environment. It also means that you can take breaks as needed.

    If you’re driving, figure out where your pet’s crate or carrier will go before you pack up the car. Other restraint options include harness seat belts, zipline harnesses, and backseat hammocks, though a more sturdy container is usually the way to go.

    Flying with pets

    Flying to your destination means your move happens quicker, but it does come with its own stressors. Whether your pet will be flying in-cabin or as cargo, air travel with pets requires a lot of due diligence and pre-planning—both in terms of getting your pet ready to fly and ensuring you’re up to date on airline policies.

    If you are flying with your pet, try to book a flight without any stopovers or transfers. Make an in-cabin reservation for your pet if at all possible. Skip the sedatives, which can be dangerous for your pet in the air. Do talk to your vet if you are concerned about your pet experiencing anxiety during travel.

    Moving with a pet to a new country? They may need to quarantine upon arrival. Check (and double-check) the guidelines with the country you are relocating to well before moving day. You don’t want to face any surprises.

    Pet transport services

    Some pet parents hire pet transportation companies to handle the ins and outs of getting their animal companion to a new destination. These companies offer a wide range of helpful services, including travel bookings and/or accommodations, help with travel paperwork, and coordination of customs and quarantine protocols. They’ll also oversee your pet during their transport, ensuring they get food, water, bathroom breaks, and attention, as well as any necessary medications.

    Pet transport usually starts around $1,000 for a small cat or dog traveling domestically, with higher rates for door-to-door service and international travel. If you go this route, only work with a pet transportation company USDA certified and supported by real veterinarians. Look at online reviews too, and plan to do some back and forth communication in the lead-up to cover all of the basics and get comfortable with the organization that will be responsible for your pet’s safe travels.

    Helping pets settle in

    You and your pet have made it to your new home! A lot of the hard stuff is out of the way, though the transition isn’t over quite yet. Many pets need time to adjust to their new surroundings and may experience stress or anxiety as they get situated. That’s normal and isn’t anything to worry about so long as your pet isn’t displaying serious behavioral changes like loss of appetite, aggression, or improper bathroom habits.

    Suppose it’s a dog adjusting to a new home. In that case, keep their routine steady and provide them with lots of opportunities for getting out excess energy (exploring a new neighborhood is as good of an excuse as any for getting in multiple long walks a day). Set up a space for your pup right away when you arrive at your new home, placing their bed, toys, and a fresh bowl of water in a corner that’s all theirs—even if you eventually do some rearranging. It would help if you resisted leaving them home alone initially since having you nearby will help alleviate stress in a new environment.

    As for our territorial feline friends, settling into a new home can invoke stress, fear, or anxiety, especially if your new home had previous kitty residents. A good strategy is to take it slow, keeping your cat in one room with their litter box, bed, water, and toys and letting them get comfortable there for a day or two before opening up the door and letting them check out the rest of the house. Pick a room with a window they can look out of, and visit them regularly to offer love and reassurance. And if cats were living in the home previously, do a full deep clean to eliminate their scent wherever you can before letting your cat roam.

    Moving with less common pets

    We’ve covered moving with dogs and cats, but your plan of action might differ a bit if you’re relocating with another type of pet or domestic animal. Always do lots of research on how to move with your animal—including talking to your vet—and follow these quick tips to take the guesswork out of the process.

    Moving with a horse

    There’s a lot to consider when moving with a horse. A pre-trip visit with an equine veterinarian is a must, as are thorough travel plans and insurance.

      • Have the paddock and pasture ready to go at your new home before transporting your horse there, including any fencing.
      • You may need to schedule a Coggins test, which is required before your horse can be transported with other horses.
      • Horses can get seriously stressed during a move. Start working on stress reduction techniques months in advance to help your horse cope.

      Moving a horse can be expensive, so leave room in your moving budget for transport, insurance, and other incidentals. A one-way domestic flight for a horse can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000, while trailer transport usually runs around $1.10 to $2.55 per mile.

      Moving with chickens

      As with all animals, you’ll need to do some planning before you transport chickens to your new home. This includes a careful look at local laws since many residential areas have restrictions or limitations on owning backyard chickens.

        • Move your flock at night, when they’re more likely to be relaxed and dormant.
        • If your chickens have to share crates, be deliberate about who shares space with whom—you don’t want anyone getting angry on the road. Aggressive chickens should always be crated alone.
        • Minimize stops as much as possible. The sooner you can get to your destination, the better for your flock.

        If your coop isn’t quite ready to go yet at your new home, set up a safe temporary space in your garage to house your flock for a day or two until the coop is prepped for move-in.

        Moving with birds

        Birds are sensitive to changes in their environment, so moving with a pet bird does require some forethought. Have a health check performed before the move, and if you’re moving to a new state, check to see if you’ll need to provide a health certificate.

          • A big change like a move can cause your bird to have intestinal issues. Stock up on at least a month’s worth of their usual food before moving so you know for a fact you’ll have it available while they adjust.
          • The car is usually the preferred means of transport for a bird. Secure their carrier in the back, and bring along refreshing treats like cucumber and citrus to keep them hydrated and content on the road.
          • If you have no choice but to fly, plan for how you’ll get through security with your bird. You may need to remove them from the carrier, so have them in an avian harness in case they get scared.

          Not all airlines accept birds. In a situation where you’re moving long-distance but have to go by car, be sure to research bird-friendly hotels in advance—or plan to go straight through without stopping, so long as it’s feasible.

          Moving with Pets Checklist

          It’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of moving with a pet. Take a deep breath and trust that you can provide a smooth transition with minimal stress for both of you with enough planning. Your pet might not be delighted during the move, but they’ll be back to their normal selves once you’re settled into your new home.

          Ready to start planning your move with a pet? We can help. Use our free online Moving with Pets Checklist and go step by step through everything that you need to do before, during, and after your move. The more details you can work out in advance, the easier your move will go.

          For even more info, check out our full range of Moving Pets articles and get actionable advice you can use when relocating with all sorts of animals.