Moving with Pets: How to Help Your Dog Adjust to Your New Home

My dog, Reggie, has moved with me seven times. In fact, we just moved this weekend from our townhome to a short term rental. In six months, we’ll move again – and for the last time, hopefully – to our new house, which is currently under construction. Moving with pets adds an extra layer of complication to an already harrowing process. Along with managing timing and somehow getting all of those boxes unpacked in a reasonable period, you also have to consider the stress of the move on your furry one, and how your new home is more than just a change of scenery for them.

Dogs are creatures of habit and routine, and a change in environment can cause some understandable anxiety. As their humans, we can’t quite explain to them what’s going on, but we can take actionable steps to mitigate that anxiety and maintain stability where possible. Read on for important advice that all dog parents should know about moving with pets.

Keep a routine, even when it’s hard

Help them let out energy

Pack a pet essentials bag

Set up your dog’s space right away

Give lots of attention

Try an anti-anxiety aid

Stay home as much as you can the first few days

Be patient

It may take a few weeks for your pet to acclimate to their new home, so don’t expect everything to be perfect from day one. Instead, be there as their benevolent companion and keep doing the things that you know keep them content and happy (a few extra treats here and there help too!). Home is where you’re together, so eventually all will feel normal again.