My Move to the Suburbs from Brooklyn to Westchester

Moving from the city to the suburbs is a huge decision that involves a lot of research before you up and leave. While the city is definitely an exciting place to be, it can also come with it’s own set of challenges: high cost of living, small apartments, a frustrating parking situation, a rough subway commute and other issues. It’s enough to stress anyone out! Some people just deal with these conditions, attributing them to what life is like in a big city; whereas others can get annoyed and be totally miserable. Some of these stresses can be further heightened when other factors come into play like living in the city with kids in a small apartment.

That was the situation I was in two years ago, when my family and I decided to move from my hometown of Brooklyn to Westchester. Before the actual move happened there was a lot of unanswered questions going through my mind: What’s it really like up there? What are the schools like? Can we even afford this? How long is the commute? Could we live in the suburbs? While it wasn’t an easy choice to make, I’m so happy we did it. However, I get that moving with kids and to someplace new is really scary and even confusing. Check out what we considered before our big move to help you decide if suburbia is for you.

Moving from Brooklyn to Westchester

Research the school system

Consider the commute

Visit the town

Ask questions

Visit homes

Prepare the kids

Say goodbye

Time to move

It’s a big deal to up and leave the city. When you are thinking about this type of move, research is crucial to ensure that you find the right suburb. When my family and I moved from Brooklyn to Westchester, I found this to be a challenging time with a lot of unknowns about the towns in Westchester. Visiting the town, school and meeting people were really beneficial and helped my family to shape our decision to embark on this exciting move.