Packing Clothes for a Move: 12 Tips You Need to Know

They say the kitchen is the hardest room in your home to pack up. And while that’s certainly hard to argue with, there’s no doubt that your clothes give your kitchen a run for its money—at least in terms of time commitment. On the bright side: it doesn’t have to be that way. Packing clothes for a move can actually be a relatively quick and easy process if you’ve got a few tricks up your sleeve. Without further ado, here are 12 tips and tricks for packing clothes you should definitely use during your next move.

Get a garment box

No box? Use a garbage bag

Vacuum seal bulky items

Utilize your suitcases

Utilize your dresser drawers

Pack valuable pieces in garment bags

Keep similar items together

Think small when it comes to boxes

Get rid of what you don’t wear anymore

Pack out-of-season clothes separately

Let some clothes do double duty

Don’t forget your moving day/week clothes

Need boxes for moving your clothes?

We’ve got you covered. Use our free packing calculator to figure out how many boxes you’ll need for packing up your clothes and then order your supplies here.