Ready to Buy? Advice for First-Time Homebuyers

Buying a home can be a tricky process. For first-time homebuyers, it may seem like the most complicated aspect of a home purchase is finding the perfect property, but that’s really only half the equation (and the fun half, at that). There’s a lot to manage on the back-end, including financing, timing, and big decisions about how and where you want to spend the next however-many-years of your life. It can get stressful and overwhelming, which is why it helps to go into the homebuying process with as clear of an idea as possible about what lies ahead and how to tackle it. Whether you’ve already started your home search or are just embarking on one, this is the advice that all first-time homebuyers should keep in mind.

Know your budget…

…and stick to it

Don’t forget about closing costs

Don’t go with the first mortgage you find

Put a hold on any activity that might negatively affect your credit

Find a realtor you really like

Know your dealbreakers…

… but look past bad decorating

Get comfortable with negotiations

Think of the future

Here’s a secret that first-time homebuyers should hear but often don’t: there’s no such thing as a perfect house. Even if you think you’ve found it you’re going to find yourself getting annoyed with unexpectedly noisy pipes or summer ant problems or rude neighbors. It’s all part of the general joys of homeownership. Go for the place that makes you feel happy when you walk in the door and that doesn’t overstrain your finances or come with a list of problems that you have to force yourself to overlook. While the perfect home may not exist, your perfect home is out there—you’ve just got to find it.