Selling a House? 7 Tips for Surviving the Process

Selling a house can be an overwhelming process. There are a lot of requirements for sellers, from keeping the place as clean as possible to having to frequently get out of the house, sometimes at a moment’s notice, for potential buyers to come through. Add to this the fact that you may need to have a bunch of your belongings in storage during this time and that your house may feel less like a home than you’re used to. It’s natural to find the whole process a bit stressful and exhausting, especially when it goes on for weeks or months.

There’s good news and bad news when it comes to the home selling experience. The good news is that it won’t go on forever; the bad news is that you won’t know when it’s going to be over until it’s over. Not having a clear timeline in sight isn’t the greatest, especially if you’re someone who likes to know where the light is at the end of the tunnel when embarking on something so majorly life changing. But many people have made it through the home selling process before, and you will too. In the meantime, follow these 7 tips for keeping your head on your shoulders while you wait for that perfect buyer to come along.

Only work an agent you really like and trust

Keep it clean

Have a pre-showing system in place

Set up your home to sell

Request four hours of notice before showings

Don’t take negative feedback too personally

Remember that it’s worth it

Selling a house isn’t known for being a stress-free experience, but millions of people have done it before you and millions of people will do it after you. Take it for what it is: a few days, weeks, or months of disruption, followed by relief. You’ll make it through, and when you do, you’ll see that it was all worth it.