Simple Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Home

It always takes me a while to really feel at home in a new place that I’ve moved into. Even once the moving boxes are unpacked and the fridge and pantry are stocked with food, there’s still a feeling of newness that precludes a true sense of comfort. Sometimes, this feeling persists weeks and months after moving day. Other times, it never dissipates at all.

There’s a big difference between living in a place that you simply rely on for provisions of necessity like a bed and a bathroom and living in a place that you really feel at home in. This is especially true in rentals. It can be difficult to establish yourself somewhere that you know you won’t be in for more than a year or two, or somewhere that is a far cry from your own taste or style. But a sense of home is all about perception, and regardless of the surrounding factors it is possible to cultivate true warmth and personality no matter where you’re living.

“Hygge” (pronounced hoo-ga) is a Danish term that has recently gained popularity here in the U.S. It refers to feelings of coziness and charm, and a sort of pleasant comfort that comes with certain atmospheres or situations. Figuring out how to make your house feel like home is, more than anything, about figuring out how to make your home cozy. Only you know what truly makes you feel warm, safe, and happy, but brainstorming on what those things are and then coming up with ways to incorporate them into your house or apartment is the first step toward nurturing a sense of home. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Hang art

Display items that remind you of your childhood home

Keep it clean

Adopt a pet

Surround yourself in softness

Go green

Add extra light

Bring the spa home

A house or apartment should be more than just a place to crash at the end of the day. Simple design details can capture feelings of warmth and pass those feelings on to you whenever you’re in the space. Whether you’re in a dorm, a rental, or still settling in to a newly purchased house, choose to surround yourself with the things that, above all else, make you feel good. The more things you have around you that make you feel happy, the more likely you are to instill a strong and sustainable atmosphere of hygge and make your house feel like home.