Tips For Apartment Hunting in a Pandemic

Finding an apartment is tough work. Throw in a global pandemic and it might seem downright impossible. But while apartment hunting in a pandemic might not be ideal, it’s also not as difficult as you might think. Crisis or not, leases continue to expire, and whether you’re moving because you have to or because you want to, the rental market remains alive and well in most localities—you’ll just have to adjust your expectations a bit for what the process will look like.

Going in with as much information as possible is ideal whenever you’re embarking on an apartment hunt. Here some tips to help guide you through the task of apartment hunting in a pandemic, including advice on avoiding virtual renting scams.

Research, Then Search

Work With a Local Rental Agent

Take a Virtual Tour

Be Safe If Touring in Person

Look Out For Rental Scams

  • If someone won’t show you a property virtually
  • If the price is too good to be true
  • If the listing has rampant grammatical and/or syntax errors
  • If the person you’re talking to is trying to rush the rental process
  • If they ask for your financial information
  • If they ask you to wire money
  • If they want you to pay in cash

Move Safely

Apartment hunting during a pandemic might not be the situation that you thought you were signing up for when you took on your previous lease, but it doesn’t have to be super stressful. Thanks to technology, pretty much the entire process of renting an apartment can be done virtually, including signing the lease. (And speaking of the lease, make sure to ask the right questions before signing, since you’re locked in just as soundly with a digital signature.)

Stay safe, take your time, and get as much information as you need prior to committing. Before you know it, you’ll be settled into your new apartment and ready to explore your new neighborhood for real once we’re out on the other side of the pandemic.