What are the Pros and Cons of Moving With a Sibling

There are many potential living situations available when you move. You can opt to move solo or with a significant other, live with a friend (or a few), or in some situations, move in with a sibling. While every moving situation has its own set of pros and cons, living with a sibling can strike up its own unique list of why this type of move is beneficial, or for some, maybe not such a great idea. Read on to check out more about the pros and cons of this type of move to assess if it’s the best option for you.


You can save money

You’ll be living with someone you know

You’ll have a built-in trust system

You can create a space you both love

Sharing stuff might not be a big deal

You can explore together


You can get sucked into family drama

Privacy issues might come up

You might regress

Consider maturity

Money issues can come up

They can be too neat or really messy

Moving in with a sibling is a great way to live with someone you are super familiar with as you cut costs on your rent and living expenses while living near a cool city or being able to afford a new place. However, as one of the closest people in your life, living with a sibling can be complicated where you also might have to deal with messiness, family drama and privacy issues. We hope these tips will help you to breakdown the pros and cons of this type of move to help you and your sibling assess whether this type of move makes sense for the both of you.